Total Spent, also known as Shared Spending (in your Shared Space) is all the spending you do related to that space.
In your Spending tab of Lumio you'll see three widgets covering your:
Everyday Spending: Groceries, Uber, Eating out, Entertainment, Travel, Amazon etc.
Recurring Costs: Bills, Subscriptions, Council Tax, Rent, Mortgage.
Total Spent: Everyday Spending + Recurring Costs
You can view all the transactions related to your Total Spent or Shared Spending by selecting 'Details' on the widget.
You can adjust or customise the period of 'Total Spending' or Total 'Shared Spending' any time via the main Spending screen.
Customise your spending cycle
Tap in the Space dropdown and select the Space where you want to customise your spending cycle.
Go to your 'Spending' tab.
Tap on the fixed date just below the Spending title on the screen.
Filter dates screen will appear, select 'Set Cycle' in the top right corner.
Select the starting day of the month for your custom cycle.